Cardiovascular Disease Research Fair - UA Sarver Heart Center

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 - 4:00pm
Event Location: 

Kiewit Auditorium, UA Cancer Center, 1515 N. Campbell Ave.

For fellows, residents, and medical students

Are you looking for a cardiovascular research opportunity?

Do a project with one of the Sarver Heart Center faculty!

In order to provide a more robust research experience for you, our trainees, and to match your interests with available opportunities more efficiently, the Sarver Heart Center is holding its Annual Cardiovascular Research Fair in the Kiewit Auditorium on November 29th at 4:00 pm. This will be a brief session, in a “speed dating” format.

After the fair, you should contact those mentors whose projects best match your interests and ability to commit time and effort. We believe this will lead to a large expansion in the suitable research opportunities available to you at the University of Arizona. The faculty will be presenting projects they feel are appropriate for medical trainees.