Ornella Selmin, PhD

Research Associate Professor, College off Agriculture & Life Sciences
Research Associate Professor, Arizona Cancer Center

Dr. Selmin is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and is a member of BIO5 Research Institute, Center for Toxicology, Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center, and Sarver Heart Center at The University of Arizona. Her research program has been funded by grants from the National Institute of Health, the US Department of Defense, and the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission. Dr. Selmin has served as a scientific reviewer for the National Institute of Health, the National Science Foundation, and The Arizona Biomedical Research Commission, and other national funding agencies.

Research Interests: 

Dr. Selmin’s research program focuses on mechanisms of environmental carcinogenesis and toxicity. Specific research areas include mechanisms of regulation of expression of proinflammatory and tumor suppressor genes by environmental xenobiotics, mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in breast and colon cancer, and role of diet-nuclear receptor interactions in differentiation and development.

  • Environmental and molecular toxicology
  • Nutrition
  • Cancer
PhD, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
BS, University of Padua, Padua, Italy