Ventana Medical Systems, Bldg. 5E, Auditorium 5104 ABCD
1910 E. Innovation Park Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85755
TOPIC: “The Aging Immune System: Defects and Intervention Points”
SPEAKER: Janko Nikolich- Žugich, MD, PhD | Professor and Department Head, Immunobiology, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson; Co-Director, UA Center on Aging; and Professor of Medicine, Nutritional Sciences, BIO5 Institute, Genetics GIDP and Neuroscience GIDP at the UA Health Sciences Campus, Tucson
Monday, June 10, 2019
Noon - 1 p.m.
Building 5E, Auditorium 5104 ABCD, Ventana Medical Systems, 1910 E. Innovation Park Dr.
Through the Science Exchange Collaborative with Ventana Medical Systems, University of Arizona faculty will have access to distinguished speakers Ventana periodically invites to Tucson. The Collaborative's next lecture will be delivered by Janko Nikolich- Žugich, MD, PhD, professor and chair of the UA Department of Immunobiology.
This talk will discuss current knowledge regarding the old immune system in mice, non-human primates and humans. Data from all three systems will be presented to illustrate a complex interactome over time between cell-autonomous damage to lymphocytes, deterioration of microenvironments essential to maintenance and function of lymphocytes, and the common external factors, particularly persistent viruses that live within us for life.
Points of intervention to restore host immunity in old age will be among the issues explored.
Due to limited space, these seminars are available to the first 20 UA faculty members who RSVP. Please contact Matt Peters,, to RSVP.
Visitors coming from the UA with MD degrees need to sign a form to be in compliance with the Sunshine Act.
Contact: Matt Peters,
FLYER FOR THIS EVENT: ventanaresearchforum6-10-19.pdf