Sarver Steppers Doc Walks with Raj Janardhanan, MD

Friday, March 28, 2025 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Event Location: 

La Encantada Shopping Center, 2905 E Skyline Drive

The new Sarver Heart Center community walking group, the Sarver Steppers at La Encantada, will welcome Raj Janardhanan, MD to its first Doc Walk on Friday, March 28th at 8:00 am! 

Join Us for the Next Doc Walk with Dr. Raj Janardhanan

Start your Friday morning with movement, fresh air, and expert heart health insights at the next Sarver Steppers Doc Walk. Join the free STRAVA group here

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025
Time: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Location: La Encantada Shopping Center (Meet by Haute Coffee)

Raj Janardhanan, MD, Professor of Medicine and Medical Director for Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging at Banner – University Medicine Tucson, will join us to share his expertise on cardiovascular health while we walk.

Track Your Steps and Earn Prizes

Participants are encouraged to download the free Strava app, join the Sarver Steppers club, and track their steps at La Encantada. Those who log their walks will be eligible for monthly prizes, including a chance to win a pair of Lululemon shoes.

Walking Routes

Catalina Route: Upper level, 0.3 miles per loop
Saguaro Route: Lower level, 0.3 miles per loop
Ocotillo Route: Combines both levels, includes stairs, 0.3 miles per loop

All fitness levels are welcome. Participants are encouraged to bring a friend and enjoy a morning walk while learning about heart health. Leashed pets permitted.

For more details, join the free STRAVA group here



About Raj Janardhanan, MD:  
Professor, Medicine and Medical Imaging - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Faculty Member, UA Division of Cardiology/UA Sarver Heart Center
Medical Director, Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging, Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South
Director, Echocardiography, Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South

After undergraduate medical training in India, Dr. Janardhanan had extensive clinical and research training in the United Kingdom in Non-Invasive Cardiology with Dr. Roxy Senior and Avijit Lahiri. After completion of the Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) diploma, he chose to move to the US in 2004 when he was offered the position of Clinical Project Director of the Echocore lab at the Brigham and Womens’ Hospital, Harvard University to work with the renowned Dr. Marc Pfeffer and Scott Solomon. He completed clinical cardiology fellowship at the University of Virginia, followed by training in advanced multi-modality non-invasive imaging working with Drs. Christopher Kramer, George Beller and John Dent. He has been involved in multicenter trials and presented lectures nationally and internationally.  Dr. Janardhanan is fully certified in echocardiography with a Diplomate in adult comprehensive echocardiography as well as Fellowship of the American Society of Echocardiography (FASE). This is the highest level of recognition in the field of echocardiography. His area of expertise includes 3-Dimensional echocardiography and has been nominated as an Editorial Board member for 3D echocardiography for the ASE. He has a special interest in imaging in structural heart disease and interventional 3D-TEE during transcatheter and intra-operative procedures. In addition to advanced training in cardiac CT and board certification in nuclear cardiology, he has Level 3 training in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR). He has a passion for teaching and an ardent advocate for improving effective communication with patients and families. He is involved in several non-profit charitable organizations to improve global heathcare.

Event Coordinator: 
Cara Deery
Event Contact Department: 
Sarver Heart Center