UA Sarver Heart Center Community Partners Updates

Dyann Roller, Barbara Lewis, Cheryl Alli, Wanda Moore, Aubra Gaston, Marilyn Robinson Congratulations to Cheryl Alli, who was acknowledged by the Community Coalition of Heart Health Education for nine years of dedication to community outreach and chest-compression-only CPR training. “Cheryl’s work and dedication to community is a shining example of the vision and need for heart health education for women, especially women of color. Her work and dedication help to change the world every single day,” said Wanda F. Moore, chair of the CCHHE. Pictured from left Dyann Roller, name, Cheryl Alli, Wanda Moore, Aubra Gaston and Marilyn Robinson.

Kate LaMantia, McKenzie Meza, Dr. Nancy Sweitzer Many thanks to Alpha Phi Sorority, University of Arizona, for inviting Sarver Heart Center to present the importance of heart disease research and education during the sorority’s Red Dress Gala 2018, held during Family Weekend in October. Pictured from left: Kate LaMantia, Alpha Phi vice president of community relations; McKenzie Meza, a UA freshman who shared her story of excelling in life despite living with a congenital heart condition; and Dr. Nancy Sweitzer, director of Sarver Heart Center and chief of cardiology at UA College of Medicine – Tucson.

Dr. Alejandra Zapien Hidalgo, Erika Yee,  Issa Dominguez, Marty Cisneros Do you prefer chest-compression-only CPR or RCP con solo compresiones de pecho? Either way, our volunteer students – medical school and undergraduate – have you covered. Spanish-language training materials are now available for community training sessions, including a video, instruction cards, a bilingual AED trainer and bilingual volunteers who can teach chest-compression-only CPR in Spanish. This was made possible through a collaboration between the REACT Group (Resuscitation Education and CPR Training), the Arizona Hispanic Center of Excellence, the Sarver Heart Center and a grant from the UA Area Health Education Centers. For more information, visit or contact Erika Yee, 520-626-5976 or Pictured from left: Alejandra Zapien Hidalgo, MD, assistant professor, Family and Community Medicine, Erika Yee, Sarver Heart Center Health Education Assistant, Issa Dominguez, volunteer, Marty Cisneroz, fourth-year medical student and former REACT Group president.

Mary Anne Fay, Dr. Nancy Sweitzer, President Robert Robbins At the UA Sarver Heart Center board meeting in November, UA President Robert Robbins (right) provided an overview of the UA strategic plan and presented the Mary Anne Fay Women’s Heart Health Advocate of the Year Award to Dr. Nancy Sweitzer (center). In nominating Dr. Sweitzer for the award, Mary Anne Fay (left) called her a “champion of the Sarver Heart Center Women’s Heart Health Education Committee, for her continuing focus on women’s heart health.”