More than a dozen researchers with the Sarver Heart Center, including five investigator award recipients, participated in the 2023 University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson Research Day held on March 29, 2023. The daylong event gathers basic scientists, clinicians, and learners to encourage transdisciplinary collaborations in the college, a value of the Sarver Heart Center.
Ten members presented their research during “data blitzes” – three-minute overviews of research. Scientists are instructed to limit their presentations to three PowerPoint slides: one setting up the research problem, the second describing research tools and the third focusing on the results of their research. If there’s time at the end, the audience can ask questions. Attendees of the presentations ask questions after presentations.
High participation from investigator award recipients
Andreia Chignalia, PhD, 2022-2023 Investigator Award recipient, presented “Glypican 1: A potential target to treat heart failure. Her presentation was part of a special session focused on researchers crafting their elevator pitch.
Jacob Ref, 2021-2022 Investigator Award recipient, presented “Regionalized cardiac wall strain used to define LV Systolic function.” Ref is an MD candidate, class of 2025. The primary investigator of his research is Sarver Heart Center member Steve Goldman, MD.
Katri Typpo, MD, MPH, 2015-2016 recipient of the William “Billy” Gieszl Investigator Award, presented “Influence of prebiotic fiber in the gut microbiome in pediatric critical illness” during the innovated medical research data blitz.
Fiona Wong, 2020-2021 Investigator Award recipient from Billington and Doris Griswold, presented “Myosin-binding protein C interactions with myosin and actin detected by time-resolved FRET.” Wong is a PhD student. The primary investigator of her research is Sarver Heart Center member Brett Colson, PhD.
Jessika Iwanski, 2019-2020 Finley and Florence Brown Endowed Research Investigator Award recipient, presented “Harnessing patient iPSC-CMs to investigate an LMOD2 related neonatal dilated cardiomyopathy.” Iwanski is an MD/PhD candidate. The primary investigator of her research is Sarver Heart Center interim director Carol Gregorio, PhD.
Members host data blitz sessions
Several Sarver Heart Center members hosted various data blitz sessions throughout research day.
Sarver Heart Center interim director, Carol Gregorio, PhD, hosted the UArizona T-32 scholars research data blitz.
Member Janet Funk, MD, MS, hosted “research to optimize health through the lifespan.”
Member Marlys H. Witte, MD, hosted the medical student research program data blitz.
Member Zoe Cohen co-hosted a data blitz for medical student scholarly projects.
Members present research in data blitzes
Christopher Banek, PhD, presented “Renal denervation: leveraging the kidney’s nervous system to combat polycystic kidney disease” during a data blitz focused on helping researchers craft their elevator pitch.
Lawrence Mandarino, PhD, presented “Mechanisms of insulin resistance.” His presentation was part of the blitz theme of research to optimize health throughout the lifespan.
Adrian Grijalva, BS, member of the Goldman Lab, presented “Immunomodulatory treatment for heart failure” at the trauma and vascular disease research blitz.
James Liao, MD, presented “How do vessels age?” during a special session data blitz focused on innovations and inventions.
Russell Witte, PhD, presented “Experimental ultrasound and neural imaging laboratory (EUNIL)” during the innovations in medical imaging data blitz.