CCHHE Partners in the Community: A community collaboration for health education
The Community Coalition for Heart Health Education is a group of women dedicated and committed to help save lives in the fight against heart disease and advocating for healthier living in the Tucson community and the state of Arizona. Our mission is to reach the entire community, especially minority and underserved populations. To accomplish this it takes collaboration and partnership. Read more
Why an Endowment for Women of Color?
What would anyone be willing to do, or, how much would they be willing to give, to help prevent the shock of sudden loss or watching the prolonged suffering of a daughter, mother, sister, aunt, grandmother or girlfriend due to cardiovascular disease? Read more..
An Enlivening Health Education Community Outreach PartneshipIn the fall of 2015, UA Sarver Heart Center Minority Outreach
In the fall of 2015, UA Sarver Heart Center Minority Outreach Program Community Coalition for Heart Health Education (CCHHE) began a partnership with the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA), Health and Wellness Domain to
expand outreach. Read more..
Dr. Lorraine Mackstaller, the physician, the lady and her committed support to outreach
Dr. Lori, as we lovingly refer to her, made numerous outreach trips with the Minority Outreach Program (CCHHE), educating the minority community and underserved populations of Tucson. Read more..
She’s not just another heart disease statistic: She was my sister, Joyce
Only you can know exactly what is going on with your health. No matter how minor it may seem, ask your doctor. Save a life; join our committee in the fight for a healthier tomorrow Read more..