New Endowed Chair Fulfills Dream of Congenital Heart Disease Program for Adults
A generation ago, adult cardiologists had little need to study congenital heart disease. Few children born with these heart conditions lived to adult age. Great advances have been made during the past few decades in caring for children with major structural heart issues (congenital heart diseases), allowing survival to adulthood and a productive life. Today, more adults are living with congenital heart disease than children with these conditions.
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Searching for a New Rock Star
Those of us who have had the honor of working with or being a patient of Dr. Gordon A. Ewy know that he is a rock star among cardiologists. Few approach his caliber when it comes to his distinguished career in patient care, clinical research and as a dedicated teacher. Not only has this rock star launched a video that has been viewed by 8 million people, but if you Google his name, you find about 276,000 hits. The difference is that this rock star is not entertaining people, he is saving lives.
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Saving Lives Around the World
Artificial hearts that are powered by a battery that fits in a backpack; use of radiofrequency energy as a better way to treat certain arrhythmias — these are a couple of advances from Sarver Heart Center researchers that are in use worldwide. The UA Sarver Heart Center Resuscitation Research Group has spent the past several years making sure that Cardiocerebral Resuscitation also is known around the world.
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Girl Scout Uses Camp Skills to Save Band Mate
The day started like any other school day for Erika Yee, a junior at University High School in Tucson. Erika and her band-section mates were enjoying dinner on the school grounds before band practice would start. In the middle of dinner, however, her band mate, Chris Miller, suddenly collapsed onto the floor. This is when Erika, who learned compression-only CPR at the Girl Scout’s Camp Fury, jumped into action.
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New Catheter Procedure Gives High-Risk Cardiac Patients Lifesaving Options
Until recently, management of congestive heart failure symptoms was the only treatment option for elderly high-risk patients who suffered from heart valve diseases or leaks around surgically replaced valves. Now, non-surgical catheter procedures are available for many of these patients whose conditions are considered too risky or not suitable for open-heart surgery.
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Heart Health Updates from UA Sarver Heart Center Members
• UAMC – University Campus Earns National Accreditation in Treating Heart Failure
• Dr. Teodori Gives Haitian Boy Gift of Life
• Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging System Implemented at University Campus
• Sarver Heart Center Researcher Awarded $1.6 Million
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Building Legacies: Mark & Mary Anne Fay
Mark Augustine Fay, Jr. was a blessed man and he knew it. Kind and generous, Mark fully participated in life — often with a wink and a grin. He had a way of making everyone he met feel special, perhaps out of gratitude for his own rewarding life, which included his family and his faith. Mark Fay, Jr. passed away on January 14. He was a dedicated board member of the Sarver Heart Center since 1999 and we will miss him very much.
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Heart of the Matter Educational Luncheon on Heart Disease in Women, Oct. 12
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