Sarver Heart Center Newsletter Summer 2013

General Date of Release: 
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Issue Number: 

Guidelines for Screening Athletes to Prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest

As pep rallies kick off another season of school athletic programs, it’s sobering to think that every three days a young athlete dies from a cardiac incident in the United States. In fact, sudden cardiac arrest is the number one killer of young athletes, and often it is caused by a pre-existing condition that could have been detected and managed to lower a person’s risks.

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From the Interim Director

The 170 clinical and basic scientists who are members of the UA Sarver Heart Center are continuing to make advances toward our vision of a “future free of heart disease and stroke.” As we are preparing to announce recipients of the Investigator Awards, totaling $200,000 for fiscal year 2013-2014, we recap in this newsletter results from the 2012-2013 awards.

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Young Faces of Sudden Cardiac Arrest:
Raising Awareness and Safety in Schools

The Steven M. Gootter Foundation and the UA Sarver Heart Center have collaborated to fight sudden cardiac arrest by advancing research, raising awareness and educating the public about how to respond. The endowed chair that supports Dr. Jil Tardiff’s research is just one example.

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Investigator Awards

Bridge Bright Ideas with Promising Results

When a medical researcher is intrigued by a question that may lead to a breakthrough in knowledge and treatment, the first step is often the most difficult: obtaining funding to collect data to prove the research shows promise.

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Heart Health Updates from UA Sarver Heart Center Members

International Grant Boosts Molecular Heart Research

Clinton Global Initiative Takes Dispatcher Training to Asia

Use of Defibrillators and EMS Team Approach Improves Cardiac Arrest Survival Chances

Still Going Viral With 9 Million Viewers

MRI Scans Now Safely Done on Selected Pacemaker and ICD Patients

Sarver Heart Center Members Receive Honors

Gootter Foundation Raises Funds to Support Resuscitation Research Lab

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Honoring Seymour Zuckerman

The Sarver Heart Center recently received a significant estate gift from Seymour Zuckerman in honor of his cardiologist, Dr. Gordon A. Ewy, for whom Seymour had great admiration.
While Seymour enjoyed good health into his late 80s, he had undergone a triple bypass procedure in his native New York and needed to see a cardiologist.  He had grown to love the University of Arizona, since his arrival to Tucson as a young man, and he reached out to Drs. Copeland and Ewy for care.  It was Dr. Ewy who provided care to Seymour for many years.

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Bequests Help Ewy Endowment for Resuscitation Research Top its Goal

Thank you to all who contributed to the Gordon A. Ewy, MD Endowment for Resuscitation Research. We are pleased to report that through your contributions as of June 30, 2013, the Sarver Heart Center raised $2,234,692 to support the important research in sudden cardiac arrest!

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Heart of the Matter

Journey Toward a Better, Healthier You

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