
University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center Presents Healthy Heart Day 2015, Feb. 7


Join the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center on Saturday, Feb. 7, for an interactive, informative day of heart-healthy presentations, screenings and activities.

MacDonald will manage research at Sarver Heart Center


Catherine MacDonald is manager of cardiology research.

Holiday Heart Warning


'Tis the season to "over-do it." Too much food, to much drinking, too much fun, can lead to health worries. Over-eating can lead to some serious stress, with some people wondering "is it heartburn, or am I having a heart attack?"

University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center Welcomes Cardiology Clinical Research Manager


Catherine MacDonald, BSN, MBA, joined the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center and the Division of Cardiology at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson as manager of cardiology research.

UA Sarver Heart Center Presents "Getting to the Heart of Good Food"


Green Valley Lecture Series with cardiologist from the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center In cooperation with Green Valley Recreation, Inc.

Heart Smart!


Movie at the Loft Cinema Promotes Heart Health Education

Green Valley Lecture Series & Healthy Heart Day 2015


Information for the upcoming Green Valley Lecture Series 2014-2015. Also, treat yourself to Healthy Heart Day on Saturday, Feb. 7

Note From the Director


Sarver Heart Center Director, Nancy K. Sweitzer, MD, PhD, reflects on 2014.

Heart Procedure Updates


The TAVR Program Celebrates Two Years of Improving Patients' Lives

Sarver Heart Center Recognitions


Read about recent awards, presentations, and recognitions.
