Diabetic foot ulcers are more costly to treat than the five leading cancers. In response, UAHS physician-scientists David Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD, and Marvin Slepian, MD, have begun discussions with Cuban researchers to steward the FDA approval for a diabetic foot ulcer healing drug for use in the United States.
Presentation is a part of the Green Valley Lecture Series, featuring experts from the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, in cooperation with Green Valley Recreation, Inc.
The Sarver Heart Center Biorepository is up and running
The new technology is being used to create three-dimensional heart models to teach UA medical students and residents about normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy, and to help families understand their child’s congenital heart defect.
Investigadores de la Universidad de Arizona Sarver Heart Center están buscando comentario de la comunidad para un estudio que requiere pacientes calificados sean inscritos cuando son inconscientes e incapaces de dar consentimiento. Este estudio puede mejorar la atención de los pacientes de paro cardiaco.