
Gootter Foundation reaches milestone


Gootter Foundation raised more than $2.5 million for research into sudden cardiac death syndrome

Dr. Juneman Joins UA Sarver Heart Center Faculty


Elizabeth Juneman, MD, has joined the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center as an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson, and director of outpatient cardiology.

New 3-D Mapping System Helps UA Cardiologists Improve Targeted Treatment for Arrhythmia Patients


The technology enables University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center electrophysiology cardiologists to more precisely treat atrial fibrillation, the most common heart-rhythm abnormality, affecting 2 to 3 million people in the United States.

Longtime Cardiologist Dr. Frank I. Marcus to Present ‘Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork,’ March 3 in Tucson, March 4 in Phoenix


Free and open to the public, the presentation is part of the Donald K. Buffmire Visiting Lectureship in Medicine series is sponsored by the Flinn Foundation.

Five Ways to Reduce Heart Attack Risk by 80 Percent


If you could do five things to reduce your heart-attack risk by 80 percent, would you take a step to start on this path?

Seven Tips for a Healthy Heart


Reminder: Healthy Heart Day 2015 is Feb. 7. Register online by Feb. 4, or email, phone 520-626-4146.

UA alum Channing Frye teaching CPR


Wildcat basketball fans received a treat in their seats at Wednesday night's game against the Oregon Ducks, cheer cards with a heart-felt message

Providing Tomorrow's Medicine Today


The Arizona Center for Accelerated Biomedical Innovation will transform UA research into practical health care solutions through the commercialization of biomedical technologies.

Dr. Slepian heads Arizona Center for Accelerated Biomedical Innovation


Dr. Marvin Slepian, a cardiologist with the UA Sarver Heart Center, will head the Arizona Center for Accelerated Biomedical Innovation, a place where investigators can work with other experienced innovators to flesh out their ideas.

Caring for Children's Hearts


Spencer Cummins was born with multiple heart defects. His parents are grateful to Dr. Scott Klewer, who has overseen Spencer's care since birth.
