Endowments Central To Research Progress
The vision of the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center is “… a future free of heart disease and stroke.” This dream for the ultimate safety of society from the nation's No. 1 killer is only possible with continued progress in research that will lead to continued medical advances for patients who suffer from cardiovascular disease. The scientific discoveries that contribute to the improved prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, vascular disease and stroke will benefit generations to come.
A philanthropic tool called an “endowment,” or “endowed fund,” best meets this essential need for research funding. Endowments are created by donors to provide long-term sources of funding for investigations that hold promise of scientific discovery. Endowments can be very specifically focused on a particular disease state or condition, or they can be generally designated to focus on the most critical research needs.
Privately endowed funds of $2 million and more are designated as “endowed chairs,” which allow the UA College of Medicine and the Sarver Heart Center, to attract and retain scientists who have earned national distinction in their efforts to treat or prevent cardiovascular disease. Endowed chairs draw outstanding scholars by creating an environment that fosters collaborative inquiry among faculty and students, with the interest income from these funds allowing researchers to continue scientific pursuits unabated.
An endowed fund is established through a minimum gift of cash or stock totaling $25,000.
Endowed funds may also be created through a number of planned giving vehicles. For more information about specific giving tools, levels of endowment, or areas of research in need of support, please call the Office of Development at the UA Sarver Heart Center at 626-4146 or 1-800-665-2328, or contact the office at heart@u.arizona.edu.