Make a Gift

The Sarver Heart Center was built literally on the foundation set by generous donors who are committed to our mission.  Whether you can contribute your time, talent or treasures, we invite you to explore the many ways to support the Center. Please complete this form to donate online: Sarver Heart Center

Academic Medicine: Working Today on Tomorrow's Best Practices

Tomorrow’s treatments for heart disease are being developed today at the Sarver Heart Center. Thanks to your support, discoveries come steadily at the University of Arizona, impacting the course of heart diseases that cause 1 in 4 deaths in the United States.

New ways to prevent and treat heart disease directly result from partnerships between our physicians and scientists, donors like you, and the patients who volunteer for our clinical research studies. We study heart disease at the cellular and molecular level in our laboratories. What we learn leads to new and better treatments—for our own patients in Arizona and for patients around the world.

We have you, one of our generous donors, to thank for much of this progress. Please make your next gift today to support the vital work of the Sarver Heart Center.

Gifts of all size make a difference. Your support allows Sarver Heart Center to fund competitive Investigator Awards, something few universities are able to offer scientists. Such pilot projects and experiments are generating valuable insights that will help us answer important questions:

Why are people with sickle cell disease more likely to suffer sudden cardiac arrest?
Do sleep patterns of college athletes impair performance and lead to cardiovascular risk?
Why are blood pressure medications less effective for post-menopausal women?
Because we carefully invest your contributions in only the best ideas, Investigator Awards routinely lead to significant grants from the National Institutes of Health and other prestigious funding sources.

I am proud that our scientists—and your gifts—improve the lives of so many families. With your continued support, we will answer the questions above, and many more.

Your support also has expanded the Sarver Heart Center Clinical Research Program. As a result, participating patients receive the benefits of promising new treatments and we translate research advances more quickly from University of Arizona labs to patient-care settings. This requires a significant investment in laboratories and equipment, which are possible through your continued support.

Your end-of-year gift brings advances more quickly to our patients and, ultimately, to patients throughout the world.

Thank you.


Nancy K. Sweitzer, MD, PhD
Director, University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center
Chief of Cardiology and Professor of Medicine,
University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson

Innovating. Life-Saving. Patient Care.

For More Information
Please call us at 520-626-4146. Or email us at

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