Catherine Foley Jerman, MD, and Akshay Roy-Chaudhury, MD, are the 2020 recipients of the Zenas B. Noon Award for Excellence in Cardiology from the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center. Dr. Noon was a physician who served Nogales, Ariz. His family established the award because of their gratitude for the care Dr. Noon received from the cardiology faculty.
Maryam Hosseini, MD, a second-year internal medicine resident, was selected as the 2020 recipient of the Charles W. Hall Jr. and Virginia C. Hall Memorial Award.
Sarver Heart Center's life-saving CPR trainings are made possible in large part due to the dedication of University of Arizona student volunteers. This season we celebrate three volunteers who graduated.
COVID Watch sends exposure alerts without having to collect any personally identifying information from users, protecting their anonymity.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified racial and ethnic health disparities, these issues have been apparent in care for patients with chronic conditions. Individual and genetic risk factors, physician bias and social determinants contribute to the inequities. Dr. Khadijah Breathett chaired the writing committee for the American Heart Association Scientific Statement.
The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center director will co-lead the innovative program with Dr. Ronald Hammer to match students with faculty mentors to train in research design and methodology, biostatistics and responsible conduct of research relevant to human health and disease.
University of Arizona president, Dr. Robert Robbins announced in April his plans to resume in-person classes Aug. 24, bringing back 45,000 students and 15,000 faculty and staff for fall 2020.
The University of Arizona – State of Arizona antibody testing initiative will include 31 sites across the state as it expands to all 15 counties.
Already nationally accomplished with completion of a Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Fellowship and articles published in prestigious journals, such as Circulation Research, Giuliana Repetti, MD, will continue her stellar medial training as an internal medicine resident at the prestigious UCLA ProSTAR Physician-Scientist Training Program.
The five Health Sciences colleges at the University of Arizona plan special ways to mark the rite-of-passage of earning a degree, despite COVID-19 social distancing and stay-at-home orders.