The $26-million expansion includes new chemistry laboratory space that will be used for drug discovery and development and research in the areas of pharmaceutics, pharmacogenomics and pharmacology.
The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center continues its 2020 Green Valley Lecture Series with a focus on stroke, how it affects health and treatment options to reverse stroke symptoms.
Thank you to Desert Toyota of Tucson for donating to support Sarver Heart Center's mission.
Sarver Heart Center awarded 10 Investigator Awards totaling $165,000 for the 2019-2020 grant cycle. These competitive research projects focus on advancing knowledge in the areas of surgical interventions, the role of provider bias, heart muscle development and interventions at the cellular level, mechanical circulatory support, congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension. “We are grateful for our generous donors who ensure the ongoing success of the Investigator Award Program,” said Nancy K. Sweitzer, MD, PhD, director of the UA Sarver Heart Center and chief of cardiology.
High school seniors across Arizona will have to know how to perform “Chest-Compression-Only” CPR as a requirement for graduation. “This new law came up suddenly, with the state leaving schools scrambling to comply without providing any resources. That’s why it’s so valuable for schools to have organizations like Sarver Heart Center ... to turn to for help.”
Today, medical evaluations don’t rely on expert intuition alone; doctors also use risk scores and other statistical tools in their decision-making. But those risk scores and tools are based on fairly rudimentary statistical methods and limited data. “Every day I have a patient ask me: What is my prognosis?” says physician Sophia Airhart, a heart-failure expert at the University of Arizona who was not involved in Yagil and Adler’s work. “More accurate risk prediction tools can help me as a heart-failure provider to better treat the patient in front of me.”
The new faculty cardiologists bring expertise in interventional cardiology, cardiac imaging, heart failure and transplant cardiology to the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center and Banner – University Medical Center. Schedule an appointment today.
Sarver Heart Center launches its free 2020 Green Valley Lecture Series at the Canoa Hills Social Center with Dr. Aaron Wolfson focusing on heart failure, how it affects health and options to optimize lifestyle changes.
Walmart funded a grant to support the community outreach mission of the UArizona Sarver Heart Center Community Coalition for Heart Health Education Minority Outreach Program.
This issue covers Lunch & Learn highlights, Mary Anne Fay Heart Health Advocate Award, CCHHE Looks into Special Training for Providers Serving Women Veterans, Our CCHHE Volunteers and Community Outreach, Checking Glucose Can Save Your Life, CCHHE’s Hidden Treasure - Murryelle Bothwell, In Memory of Regina Penn