
UA Steele Children's Research Center Leads Statewide Study of Congenital Heart Defects


The University of Arizona Division of Pediatric Cardiology Congenital Heart Program will explore the public health problem of congenital heart defects among children, adolescents and adults.

University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center Member Updates 2019


Here is a recap of some of the lectures, presentations, publications and research award of University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center members

Echocardiography Labs Reaccredited


The Inter-societal Accreditation Commission (IAC) fully re-accredited the Banner - University Medical Center Echocardiography Laboratory for five types of heart ultrasound, or echocardiograms.

The Diabetes/Heart Disease Connection: Lunch & Learn Highlights.


The number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled during the past 20 years as the American population has aged and become more overweight. This number may be reduced if more people are screened for prediabetes, a condition that affects 84 million in which 90% don't know they have it.

Patient Stem Cells Point to Causes, Treatments of Congenital Heart Disease


Personalized medicine in a dish. A collaborative research team is searching for genetic themes among family members who share a high prevalence of bicuspid aortic valve disease. They are testing medical therapies on cellular models grown in the lab from stem cells derived from each family member. Their goal is to more precisely predict which therapies would manage the conditions effectively.

Minimally Invasive TAVR Procedure FDA Approved for Most Patients


When Chip Rock learned he needed a heart valve replacement, he considered his mother’s experience. She, at age 92, was one of the first TAVR patients in February 2014, when the UA Sarver Heart Center Structural Heart Team offered the procedure only for high-risk patients. “My mother did well for several years after her procedure, so when I learned I needed a valve replacement, I contacted Dr. Lotun to see what he could do for me,” Rock said.

‘The Diabetes/Heart Disease Connection,’ Sept. 28


The Diabetes/Heart Disease Connection Lunch and Learn Program is a community education program presented in collaboration with the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center’s Women’s Heart Health Education Committee.

Black Girls Rock, so Why the Health Disparities?


Dr. Khadijah Breathett, assistant professor of medicine at UA College of Medicine - Tucson and Sarver Heart Center, reported that black women in the U.S. have the highest rate of high blood pressure compared to other racial/ethnic groups and sexes; also women receive fewer heart transplants despite having higher rates of heart failure.

Erika Yee featured in Teachers, staff not required to learn life-saving procedure


While Arizona requires high school students to learn CPR, it doesn't require teachers to be trained. Erika Yee, University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center health education assistant, tells her story of saving the life of a bandmate in high school and informs people about the training resources available on UA Sarver Heart Center's "Learn CPR" webpage:

Noon and Hall Legacy Awards Honor Outstanding Trainees


Through the generosity of forward-thinking donors, Sarver Heart Center is able to recognize medical students and resident physicians who demonstrate outstanding performance during their cardiology rotations. Christine E. Chiu, MD, a recent UA College of Medicine - Tucson graduate, is the 2019 recipient of the Zenas B. Noon Award of Excellence in Cardiology. Louis Eubank, MD, a second -year internal medicine resident physician received the Charles W. Hall, Jr., and Virginia C. Hall Memorial Award.
