Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States.
The mission of the Sarver Heart Center Women's Heart Health Education Committee is to reduce heart and vascular disease in women through education, patient care and research.
The goals of the Committee are to:
1) Increase women's and their medical care professionals' awareness of heart disease in women through all avenues possible but not limited to: outreach presentations, workshops, media coverage and digital media.
2) Fund investigator awards and research endowments to study heart disease in women.
For information on upcoming activities or membership in the Sarver Heart Center Women's Heart Health Education Committee, please email heart@arizona.edu or call Cara Deery at 626-2901.
Minority Outreach Program
Wanda F Moore, a Sarver Heart Center board and women's committee member, launched the Minority Outreach Program in 2009. Under Wanda's leadership, Minority Outreach Program volunteers collaborate with organizations that comprise the Community Coalition for Heart Health Education (CCHHE) to teach chest-compression-only CPR mostly to minority populations and share heart health education information. They invite Sarver Heart Center faculty physicians and other members to community centers, churches, health fairs, homes, wherever people gather, to educate the community about heart disease prevention, symptoms and treatments. Read the 2020 Minority Outreach Newsletter and the 2019 Minority Outreach Newsletter.
The Minority Outreach Program met at the home of Wanda Moore to welcome Dr. Khadijah Breathett (center) to the Sarver Heart Center in 2017.
The Minority Outreach Program suports the research of Dr. Khadijah Breathett, a frequent lecturer on health care disparities and one of the National Minority Quality Forum's "40 under 40 Leaders in Minority Health."
Cheryl Alli, a member of the Minority Outreach Committee, teaches school children chest-compression-only CPR.
Celebrating 12 Years of Service and a New Leadership Team
Founding Chair Mary Anne Fay related the history of the Women's Heart Health Education Committee and touched on its many educational and philanthropic accomplishments since its founding in 2004.
On September 20, 2016, Mary Anne Fay stepped down as Chair of the Women's Heart Health Education Committee after 12 years of distinguished service. She congratulated the new leadership team of Kathleen Wishnick, Chair; Shirley Cox, Vice Chair; Bobbe Dexter, Advisor, and Wanda F. Moore, continuing Chair of the Minority Outreach Committee.
Meet the new leadership team (from left): Shirley Cox, Vice Chair; Wanda Moore, Chair of the Minority Outreach Committee; Kathleen Wishnick, Chair of the WHHE Committee and Bobbe Dexter, Advisor.
Mary Anne was presented with a plaque commending her service and signed by Nancy Sweitzer, MD, PhD, Director of the Sarver Heart Center and Cheryl House, Sr. Director of Development.
Kathleen Wishnick said she has admired Mary Anne's leadership for years and is honored to continue her work. She led the group in reviewing the mission and goals of the Committee.
Mathew Hutchinson, MD, the featured presenter for the September meeting, spoke on atrial fibrillation. He is scheduled to speak again at Sarver Heart Center's 30th Anniversary Lecture Series on October 19, 2016 in DuVal Auditorium at 6 PM. All are welcome to attend.
Wanda F Moore, Chair of the Minority Outreach Committee, showed her joy as the Committee entered their 12th year of focusing on women and heart disease.