
UA Sarver Heart Center Presents ‘Tracking Your Health with Wearable Technology: A Look at What’s On the Drawing Board,’ March 15


Tracking Your Health with Wearable Technology: A Look at What’s On the Drawing Board

UA Sarver Heart Center Presents ‘Tracking Your Health with Wearable Technology: A Look at What’s On the Drawing Board,’ March 16


Tracking Your Health with Wearable Technology: A Look at What’s On the Drawing Board

UA Sarver Heart Center Presents `Keeping Your Heart in Sync: What You Need to Know About Atrial Fibrillation,’ Feb. 16


The presentation is part of the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center’s Green Valley Lecture Series, in cooperation with Green Valley Recreation, Inc.

Sarver Heart Center 30th Anniversary Lecture Series: ‘Resuscitation Research: More Ways to Cheat Death,’ Jan. 18


On Jan. 18, Karl B. Kern, MD, and Gordon A. Ewy, MD, will present a community lecture, part of Sarver Heart Center’s 30th Anniversary Lecture Series, on the Resuscitation Research Group’s history and continued progress to improve care for sudden cardiac arrest patients.
