A first-of-its-kind wearable sensor, tested at the El Tour de Tucson endurance cycling event in 2015, measures biomarkers to reveal the body's response to exercise.
On Dec. 14, Lee Ryan, PhD, professor and department chair, UA College of Science, Department of Psychology, and Nancy K. Sweitzer, MD, PhD, professor and chief of cardiology and director of the UA Sarver Heart Center, will present a community lecture, part of Sarver Heart Center’s 30th Anniversary Lecture Series. This talk will focus on heart disease, memory and cognition.
On November 16, Bruce Coull, MD, professor of neurology, will present a community lecture, part of Sarver Heart Center’s 30th Anniversary Lecture Series, focused on stroke treatment and prevention.
In its first scientific statement on sleep, the American Heart Association and its committee of heart health and sleep researchers, including Michael Grandner, PhD, of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, find in a review of current evidence that too much or too little sleep, along with sleep-related breathing irregularities and insomnia, may be linked to heart risk factors.
Dr. Mathew Hutchinson will provide an update on atrial fibrillation on Oct. 25 at 6 p.m. in DuVal Auditorium.
And Best in Tucson Metro Area, says U.S. News & World Report
The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center welcomes Mathew D. Hutchinson, MD, as the new director of the Cardiac Electrophysiology Program in the Division of Cardiology at the UA College of Medicine - Tucson.