April is National Minority Health Month and the UA Sarver Heart Center Community Coalition for Heart Health Education, a minority outreach program, works year-round to raise awareness of heart health disparities.
April 14 is Heart Failure Society of America’s Red Steps Challenge – 6 million red steps to raise awareness of the 6 million Americans who are living with heart failure
University of Arizona faculty were at the forefront of artificial heart advancement.
Hear updates, have your questions answered by experts, get health screenings, and enjoy a boxed lunch and cooking demonstration.
Understanding Advanced Heart Disease, Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 10 a.m.
The Arizona CHSTRONG project will provide a more complete understanding of the social and quality-of-life issues facing individuals with congenital heart disease from throughout the state as they transition into adulthood.
Diabetic foot ulcers are more costly to treat than the five leading cancers. In response, UAHS physician-scientists David Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD, and Marvin Slepian, MD, have begun discussions with Cuban researchers to steward the FDA approval for a diabetic foot ulcer healing drug for use in the United States.